2007 April 21st

This is a transcript of the monthly meetings, as well as any other official updates from members of the association. You can't post messages here, this is READ ONLY.
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2007 April 21st

Post by airin96771 »

Eden Roc Estates Association
Eden Roc Phone: 808-968-8484

April 21st, 2007 Minutes
Board Members Present: Tim Hill, Fred Benardella and Pam Jones.

Meeting Called To Order: 10:02 AM

Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning balance: $46,740.00 Trust At: $186507.00
Park: 4,665.77
Fire Station: 2,657.00

Abandoned Cars: Two more have been removed. Still many others have to be tagged and removed. Pam met with the county and is checking on getting their help in removing them. Pam drove each street and counted 29 abandoned vehicles.

Neighborhood Watch: Has been discontinued do to lack of community involvement and support. As was reported we (you) are the neighborhood watch and we need to keep our eyes and ears open and be aware of what is going on around us. We need to report all problems to the police department.

Park Report and Fire Department Report: Still looking for help to get to get the plumbing inspection, then install the electric pump and solar cells so there is running water and some lights. Any volunteers? Looking to get some equipment for the park. Such as swings, slides and create a small play area. Also checking on the insurance liability.

Road Report: The road between Fern Acres and Eden Roc has not been resolved. Still looking for an inexpensive way of sealing it off. Reminder: Main road right of ways are 60 feet (Kahikopele, Palainui Av., Ohia Av., Ahi St., Punahele St., and Punawai St.) and side roads are 40 feet. Roads 14, 19, 21 and on the sides of Ohia have received almost 45 tons of gravel.

Old Business: Don’t forget answering machine for Eden Roc is 968-8484. Remember in an emergency call 911. Received bids for mowing from the ad in paper but it looks like we will remain with who we had last year.

New Business: Motion made and seconded to allocate up to $25,000 to pave Kahikopele’s unfinished side as far as the funds will go. Motions made and seconded to set aside $10,000 for gravel and labor for road maintenance and $10,000 for mowing and clearing the side easements and maintenance. All three motions were approved and passed by the board members present.

Meeting Adjourned: 11:30AM
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