April 16, 2005 MINUTES
Board Members Present: Dave Vanderwalle, Louie Miller, Karen Bender and Tim Hill
Meeting to Order: 10:05 a.m.
Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning balance: $56309.90 Trust $179335.00
Debits: 1071.63
Credits: 2867.50
Balance: 58105.77
Park: 613.35
Fire Station: 3436.71
Abandoned Cars: New neighborhood watch volunteer works for Ken’s Towing, which does all the towing for the county of Hawaii. He is giving us a name of the person in charge to report abandoned cars. A network of people will try calling this person to get the county to remove the cars free of charge. There also is a new county program starting July 1, 2005 where they will tow cars off of personal lots for free.
Neighborhood Watch: Tim was called twice one for an accident a person cut his hand Tim called 911. The other a red sports car HCM321 two local guys driving in driveways and claiming they are neighborhood watch. Please note the neighborhood watch will NOT drive down your driveway unless invited. All our vehicles are marked with sign stating neighborhood watch on them.
Our goal is to have 15 active members being part of the watch taking two streets each to patrol. This will give us more coverage.
Meetings are the first Saturday at 9:00 am at the fire station in the park.
Park Report: 4th of JULY MEET YOUR NEIGHBOR PARTY AT THE PARK. Potluck barbeque.
Louie picked up a backboard for the basketball court. It will be cemented in after the meeting. Dave is picking up the pipe for the fence and have it cut to size and holes drilled. Volunteers are still needed to paint the basketball court. Dave is still looking for volunteers to walk the perimeter of the park for a walking trail. People volunteer but do not follow through.
Volunteer Fire Dept.: Training is the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Always looking for volunteers. There was no call outs this month. The firehouse needs to have the bathrooms put in place before a final can be given. We have the money just need people to put the fixtures in. Also the water tank needs to be in place, as we have to have running water. Because it has taken so long and no volunteers to finish the station for a final the grant money is no longer available.
Road Report: A motion was made to allocate $1000.00 to punch a road and put up a gate on the County Access Road at the end of road 17. A gate will be installed and locked only emergency personnel will have access. All first responders will have a key. A four-wheel drive road is already in place we will make it accessible for all cars to use in case of emergency. The motion was seconded. The motion was passed unanimously. The monies are coming out of the fire station funds.
We have a new program where people will start hauling off the junk on the side of the roads so Kelly can mow without hitting stuff and damaging his mower.
2nd motioned was place to allocate $40,000 for road paving was seconded and passed. Louie will get bids.
Three loads of rock were dumped this month. Trees out front county will not be helping with removal. Karen will call around about having branches removed vs. the whole tree.
Old Business: Need an organizer for the couqi frog project.
New Business:
Adjourned: 10:54 a.m.
2005 April 16th
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