Upper Puna Flood Risks
"Be Prepared
Talk Story
Thursday, March 14
Mountain View School Cafetorium
5:30--Snacks and Map Viewi
6:00--Speaker: Frank DeMarco,
Public Works Engineer
Contact: Hannah Hedrick, 968-7013
Flood Risk Talk Story
Re: Flood Risk Talk Story
I missed the meeting. If anyone attended from Eden Roc can you post an update for our area. For the worst case.
Re: Flood Risk Talk Story
The County is working on a new 10 year flood map. Most of our subdivision is OK, but there is a major danger area that is north of us. I just don't remember where exactly, as it it just beyond the Estates or the other side of the highway. The biggest problems here are the low places on the road out before it joins Kopua, and the fact we have only the one road out at the highway, which has a bridge. Last major flooding residents had to go in the top road of the farm lots and then out the lower road to Kopua. The big flood area rides the edge of where two lava flows meet and funnels the water down the hill. There is no online source for the map yet. Basically this was a talk story about changes that are going to be in place with flood insurance, now that they have a good map. They spent a lot of money on getting the map drawn. Seen the pictures of "downtown" Mountain View flooding in the 30s?